Chokeberry juice - 13 reasons why you should drink it!
Chokeberry juice is known for its healing properties, and it is scientifically proven! Due to its rich nutritional composition, it is often used by people who generally want to strengthen the immune system and alleviate possible anticancer effects.
13 properties of chokeberry for which it is recommended:
Aronia has several properties that make it so effective. We will list the most important:
Strong antioxidant action! Fresh chokeberry fruits have the highest antioxidant capacity among all berries and other fruits researched so far! Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by free radicals whose overactivity can lead to chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer.
It helps in the treatment of gastric but also has a beneficial effect on intestinal indigestion, for example it stops diarrhea.
Useful in the treatment of heart disease and diabetes because it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and protects the cardiovascular system
Helps regulate blood sugar
Provides protection against muscular degeneration of the eyes. Studies have shown that people who consume chokeberry juice are less likely to get sick.
6. Cleanses the blood and improves circulation
7. Relieves headaches
Rich in fiber! In 100 grams of chokeberry contains 5.3 grams of fiber
Low-calorie food with only 47 kcal per 100 grams is therefore excellent as an ingredient, for example - smoothie or in combination with low-calorie yogurt.
10. Full of vitamins - vitamin A which preserves the health of the eyes and is necessary for the development of all cells. Vitamin C that strengthens the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells that attack foreign antigens (bacteria and viruses). And vitamin E known as the "vitamin of youth and beauty"
11. Has a significant proportion of folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, and manganese
12. It has an excellent effect on the skin, slows down its aging and the formation of wrinkles
13.Prevents viral and bacterial infections
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What is chokeberry?
Chokeberry is a sort of October bushes and belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Its fruits are small, dark blue berries that are not recommended to eat fresh. Due to its bitter taste, everything except red chokeberry is recommended to be consumed as chokeberry juice. Or in the preparation of wine, tea, syrup, jam, smoothie and liqueur. They are available both frozen and powdered so you can easily add them to your recipes.
They are originally from the eastern part of North America. It is interesting that chokeberry as a bush is resistant to drought, insects, pollution and diseases. Therefore, it is not necessary to use pesticides.
An interesting history of chokeberry
The North American Indians were the first to use chokeberry as a food but also as a medicine. Since the fruits of chokeberry stay on the bush for a long time and do not spoil, the Indians ate it. They also dried and ground the fruits and prepared teas for their healing properties.
It was first mentioned in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century in Ukraine because of its beauty. It is known that after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, chokeberry fruits were used to reduct the health problems of irradiated people.
Due to the ignorance of its medicinal properties, chokeberry was known exclusively as an ornamental plant. It remained so until the 20th century.
The first breeding sort of chokeberry was created by a Russian biologist and pomologist. The irony is that the first cultivation in the USA - (the country of origin of chokeberry), started only around 1997.

Let's go back to the practical, which is still good to know if you buy chokeberry juice.
Chokeberry juice - the recommended dose
One dose of cold-pressed chokeberry juice the size of a glass of brandy a day is enough. Ideally in the morning before a meal. For those who need more than just maintaining immunity, the recommended dose is a glass of brandy three times a day.
Also, chokeberry juice should be drunk 30 minutes before a meal, in order to have the best effect.
Who is recommended to drink chokeberry juice:
· Everyone who suffers from muscular degeneration of the eyes and everyone who has vision problems
· Patients with cardiovascular disease
· Diabetics
· People who want to lose weight
· Anyone undergoing "radiation" treatment
· People who are active athletes
· All those who want to prevent the occurrence of these diseases and strengthen immunity
Who is not recommended to drink chokeberry juice:
Consumption of chokeberry and its products is not recommended for people with multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis.
Također i djeca do tri godine života i trudnice spadaju u nedovoljno istraživanu skupinu i ne zna se još kakav je učinak aronije na njihovo zdravlje.