Wild pomegranate juice–why is it important to drink it?
Due to the large amount of vitamin C, pomegranate juice is worth our attention and time. Especially at this time, with so many viruses lurking around us.
Once upon a time, our mothers and grandmothers used to prepare pomegranate drinks and fruit snacks for their families. They served not only to nourish, but also to improve immunity, prevent colds, improve digestion, strengthen the skin and raise energy.
It is time to revive forgotten ancient traditions and help ourselves by using nature and its blessings. We will list all the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice in the text that follows.
Scientists claim that this delicious fruit drink could be a very effective remedy for preventing the progression of any kind of carcinogenic changes. But two types of cancer have been studied in particular, in which pomegranate juice slows down the development of cancerous cells in the body.
Wild pomegranate juice in the fight against breast cancer and prostate cancer
Yes, you read that right. Wild pomegranate is rich in antioxidant properties and due to its high content of antioxidants, it helps fight cancer, especially breast cancer and prostate cancer.
The effect of pomegranate on slowing prostate cancer was studied in a study on men undergoing radiation therapy or surgery. The study showed that drinking about 235 ml of rosehip juice a day contributes to slowing the spread of prostate cancer.
Wild pomegranate juice can prevent and slow down the growth of breast cancer, but also prevent the development of breast cancer. Research conducted at the University of California has shown that it disrupts three key processes in the development of breast cancer metastases. Although it is not yet known how many ingredients from the pomegranate fruit are needed to prevent cancer and further research is needed. Consider consuming pomegranate more often for the prevention of breast cancer, but also other types.

Wild Pomegranate juice combined with dates against heart disease
Magnificent wild pomegranate prevents the accumulation of plaque on the walls of arteries. These effects are also positive for people with diabetes who are at high risk for atherosclerosis. In addition, it normalizes blood pressure because it thins the blood and makes better flow to the heart.
And a team of researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology found that combining pomegranate and date juice provides maximum protection against atherosclerosis that can cause heart attack or stroke. The findings were published in Food & Function, the journal The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Although dates and pomegranate juice consist of various phenolic antioxidants, their combination proves to be more useful than the sum of the individual ones. In a study, the Technion team found that the triple combination of pomegranate juice, date fruit and date stone really provides maximum protection against the development of atherosclerosis. Namely, their combination reduced oxidative stress in the arterial wall by 33% and reduced arterial cholesterol by 28%.
The researchers conclude that people at high risk for cardiovascular disease, as well as healthy individuals, could benefit from consuming a combination of half a glass of wild pomegranate along with 3 dates.
Ideally, the pits should be ground into a paste and eaten as well, but even pitted, the combination is better than any fruit alone.

Wild pomegranate - impact on PMS, menopause and impotence
Wild pomegranate, and its products in the form of juices and teas can help relieve menstrual pain, but also associated bloating, diarrhea, cramps, other digestive problems and psychological stress that many women experience during the menstrual cycle.
It is therefore advisable to include it in the diet as it will help fight PMS and menopausal problems.
Wild pomegranate is also effective in combating impotence. Namely, by improving blood flow to the body, it stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessel cells and also helps men suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Wild pomegranate juice also helps with obesity
Believe it or not, but one of the biggest health problems of today is obesity. The figures given by the World Health Organization warn that the bigger problem is malnutrition or hunger. Two billion adults are considered obese, of which 650 million are obese. This means that 39% of the world's population over the age of 18 is obese, and as many as 13% are obese. It is astonishing that in the period from 1975 to 2016, the number of obese people increased threefold.
A 2015 study found that after a 12-week trial, participants who received pomegranate lost 1 percentage point more body fat compared to those who received placebo.
Subjects were divided into two randomly selected groups and received one placebo or pomegranate tablet containing 100 mg of pomegranate extract once daily for 12 weeks without any dietary intervention.
Although there is no evidence that pomegranate juice causes serious side effects in most healthy adults, for safety reasons, we advise pregnant and breastfeeding women to consult a doctor.
Also, due to high levels of vitamin C, there is a higher risk of kidney stones in some people. And all who use lithium to treat mental disorders - it is recommended to avoid pomegranate juice. The reason for this is that its diuretic effect can increase the concentration of lithium in your body.